Monday, October 14, 2019

Please…More Pressure.

You don’t hear that comment very often.  However, low water pressure in your home or office can be caused by many things.  Simple problems like the shut-off valve being closed or a faucet being blocked can cause low water pressure. More serious issues like plumbing blockages or water leaks decrease water pressure as well. 

Here are some ways to check your home or office’s water pressure –

1.  Determine if multiple locations in your home or office have low water pressure.
2.  If it is confined to one location, then check the faucet.
3.  Adjust the pressure reducing valve.

A professional plumber will do all of this and more.  He will repair the problem…guaranteed.  That is, of course, if the person you hire is a part of A River City Plumbing.  They serve a wide area around Eastern Washington and Northwest Idaho.  Call A River City Plumbing at (208) 659-6565 in Coeur D’Alene or (509) 954-6567 in Spokane.

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