Monday, September 4, 2017

Did a Truck Just Drive through the House?

It has been a summer of heavy use in your kitchen with the kids at home pouring heaven knows what into your kitchen’s garbage disposal.  You may be tempted to just give up on your current garbage disposal unit when, in fact, many of them could be repaired, restoring peace and quiet to your kitchen and your home.

So far, if you are not hearing sounds get down on your hands and knees and look carefully for a leak underneath your sink.  In many cases, the problem is not necessarily with the unit itself, but rather the way it was installed or the pipes leading to it.  So, don’t just automatically blame Johnny for throwing his oatmeal in there!

What IS important is to troubleshoot the problem before it disrupts your entire home.  You need an expert plumber for that task.  In the Spokane area that company, as always is garbage disposal repair and replacement specialists River City Plumbing Service.  They know their way around kitchens and bathrooms in Spokane and Coeur D’Alene. Call them today at
(509) 954-6567 or (208) 659-6565.

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